A complete rental system for home care furniture.


The Rental Service

H+ aims to reduce the caregivers’s burden of care and increase the autonomy of the patients, to allow them to enjoy better each moment in this new phase of life, in a familiar environment surrounded by their beloved ones in the comfort of their homes.


Through our Product-Service System we propose a new way of Home Care assistance.

Home care furniture require specific performances and layout settings, not fulfilled by existing home furniture. This means the acquisition of products with considerably high costs, due to the nature of the performance, or with a distinct design for hospital environment, resulting in bad fitting in the domestic environment.

Moreover, Home Care furniture is intended to be used in a short-mid period and to be adaptable to different situations depending on medical treatments and patient’s conditions.

In this direction, the rental service provided by H+ also allows you to access high quality products without initial high investiment.

In fact, H+ offers the possibility of renting the products only when they are needed and costumize them to better fit in each situation and environment, without the need of interfering with the infrastructure of the home, avoiding annoying holes in the wall.


Be involved in all the different stages of the service

Browsing & Order

You can search for the type of products more suitable for you through physical or digital showrooms and can carry out the fitting with the help of a company assistant or through the use of AR through the App provided.

You can have control over the order process, from planning the delivery method to the assembly service request.


Using Phase

Although H+ professional staff will come to your door to install all the products, we will still provide you with appropriate instructions and tools, physical or digital, in case you want to make some simple adjustments and repairs by yourself in the process of use.

Of course you will always receive the necessary support by the company for the maintenance that can be carried out independently, and assistance is provided directly by the company with hard maintenance operations.

After Use

At the end of the renting cycle, you can simply book the appointment for withdrawing the whole system rented.